
- Gastbeitrag -

Volker Radek hat am Samstag, den 11. August 2012 seine letzte Reise angetreten. Er wird von dieser Reise nicht zurückkehren. Wir werden ihn vermissen und niemals vergessen. (Dieter Kapp)

1 Kommentare:

Blogger Unknown meinte...

Hi, today after 4 years I've found some news about Volker, I only knew him at the hospital because I had to go into some surgery at the time and he was there, asking if I talked english (I'm portuguese) since there was only some older people there he only talked with doctors and me (I had 20 or something), he asked me for a micro usb charger and I borrowed it to him, but today I feel guilty that I didn't gave it to him, since I only talked with him for 2 days and half but he still looked like a great person. He told me how he had one of the first HP laptops and that he travelled through America on his bike, but I feel like I turned my back on him. When I went away I was kinda weird maybe due to the drugs they gave to me due to the surgery or maybe just because I'm weird like that but I went away and I never came back, I didn't even left him my damn micro usb charger so he could talk with his family, friends more often, and I didn't even visited him even though I thought about it a lot, I tried to search about news of him through google but only today I've searched with success, maybe I didn't really want to know what actually happenned, but now I know and I feel guilty.

It's really stupid I know I only was there for 3 days one of them I got my surgery, but he looked like a great person, and I can't do anything to change my behaviour after I went away from that hospital. My deepest apologies and condolences to his family and friends, he was an awesome dude that's what I'm going to keep in mind and not my stupidity, he also gave me his card with his info that I will keep.

I don't even know if anyone is going to read this but at least I feel slightly better with my guilt problems right now.

24. Juli 2016 um 01:47  

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